It is reported that Bilal (Radia Allahu anhu) never used to call the adhan for any one after the death of the Prophet ( Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam). He wanted to go to Jihad but Abu Bakr did not want him to go. Then Bilal said:
"If you freed me (when I was a slave) to please Allah, then let me go."Then he went to Al-Sham when 'Umar came to Al Jabiyah (during his caliphate) the Muslim requested that he asked Bilal to make Adhan for them, then 'Umar asked him. He called the Adhan one day and never it has been heard the cry of many people as during that day. When they remembered the Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam).
It is said that the Adhan of the people of Al-Sham was taken from this Adhan.
SOURCE: Al-Dhahabî, Siyar A’lâm Al-Nubalâ in his biography of Bilâl b. Abî Rabâh.
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