The weight of the love

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

By  Shaikh Mi'sid al Husayni.

 Q- Is it permissible for a man to divorce his wife because she caught overweight and he did not like her?
  A- I said to this man:

"No see. That if it were you who were overweight, while your wife was thin and she does not like your weight gain, would you be satisfied if  she requested a khul to you on a matter that is not completely under your control?
The answer will be no, of course and the Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

"None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself"

It could be you who will become obese over a short period of time, this matter is in the hands of Allah (Subhanna wa ta'ala).
There are ways and medical methods and others, with whom a person can help his wife to lose weight.
But intelligent people among men do not look at issues of this kind, in fact, a household is based on the life kind to others, and this goes back to the piety and morals.
How many have a woman who have a beautiful body  and form , but it is a calamity to her husband?
And how many woman who are not, as such, but they apply the rights of her husband and they are good wives for him and he see her as a Hur of the Hurs of the life of this world?
So what should be seen and considered by this brother is her religion and customs; for her body then do not make a issue of it, specially since this woman has become his partner.
You should fear Allah with regard to your wife and must seek the way that help her to lose weight. I pray to Allah , that you and other Muslims have a sucess with the constancy."