Islamic Cartoon movies

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Shaikh Saleh al Fawzan  (Hafidhahu Allah) was asked:
What is the ruling of nurturing children upon cartoons of which the goal is to benefit them and to teach them good manners ?
 The shaikh answer: Allah made pictures haraam and it is haraam to acquire them so how can we nurture our children upon them? How can we nurture them upon something that is haraam, upon pictures that are haraam and drawings that move and speak and are similar to humab beings?. This is an evil picture and it is unlawful to nurture children upon it.
This is what the kuffar want . They want us to oppose what the Messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) prohibited us from. And the Messenger (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) prohibited us from pictures and using them and acquire them. And those who spread it (cartoons) between the youth and the Muslims, claiming that is for nurturing ( the children) then this is inmoral nurturing And the correct nurturing is to teach them what will benefit them in their religion and worldly affairs.