Al Jazeera gives no news, only lie.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fatawa of Shaikh al Fawzan (Rahimahu Allah) about the Ruling on listening to Al Jazeera channel:

"..And news, what news?...Many are lying and quackery.
In what would benefit from it. Will only destroy his house.
News..Many of them lies.
Irritation and evil most destroy his house, and spoil his family  for this false claim.
Al Jazeera channel has a lot of evil and haressment.
They bring to some people doubtful in matters of religion and jurisprudence. turning the halal haram and vice versa in their  fatawas.
It is very dangerous to watch and listen to the channel of Al Jazeera, there is evil and every one attributed the evil to it and no one praises it.