Nasheeha for the Muslimah

Monday, November 28, 2011

The responsability of the Muslim woman:

So today Muslim women must fear Allah regarding themselves and their societies. Likewise the modern woman, and first of all , the Muslim women must focus on raising their children at home , as they will be questioned about the children who are under heir care and custody.
They have to raise their daughters to have good manners. Fair and proper manners , to cover and be modest. The Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said: " Each of you is a shepard, and each of you are responsible for his flock. A woman is a shepard of her husband's house and she is responsible for looking after it".

So a woman should raise her children , so straight, as all children living  covered under their custody , she is responsible for them.

 SOURCE: Shaikh Saleh Al Fawzan (Hafidhahu Allah) in Nasihah lil-Mar'aat-il-muslimah