Any one who tells another make du'aa for me/us with the intention that the person being questioned will benefct making the du'aa, and that the person that makes the request will also benefict because the action by which is asked- as he would benefict by asking someone else to do any virtuous deeds, then this person is following the example of the Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam). This is not considered to be of the questions that are not preferred.
Concerning the one who whose only intention (by petition) is that he can get his need, without having the intention to benefict to him who makes the request, then this person is not among those who have made the Messenger (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) as example in this matter. But ratherthis type of request is not preferred, abandone it and come back to Allah in the need and ask is better that to return to the creation in the need and ask to them.(1)
The hadeeth compiled by Imam Ahmed, Tirmidhi, and Abu Dawud in which Umar Ibn Khataab, ask to the Prophet the permission to do the 'Umrah, then he allowed and said"Do not forget us, my brother, in your Du'aa."'
Shaikh Albani has declared that the hadeeth is false in his notes in Mishkaat al Masaabih and Jaami Al-Da'if' as was clarified by Shaykh Rabee 'in his notes to this book.
Shaykh ul Islaam ibn Taymiyyah in Qa'idah jaliyaah,p. 75
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