The Muslim way of football.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Q-The trusted advisor Sheikh Yahya ibn Ali Al-Hayuri (Hafidahu Allah) he was asked:
What are the rules regarding the clothing that contains names of football players printed on it?

A- These names must be deleted and it is not appropiate for the student of knowledge or caller to Allah or even the ordinary Muslims have the player's name written on their clothes and it is advised to the Muslims, to distance themselves from these clothes which contain phrases of propaganda in favor of some players in  them.

Az Kanz Az-Zamin, Vol. 4, pág 170-171

And the Shaikh and others like him among the people of knowledge, have warned against football and many times mentioned the damage that is found in it, of which :

  • The lack of love and hate for the sake of Allah: You like and support a particular football player because of the way he plays or the tricks used in the game, but really do not believe in Allah, the Almighty and the Last Day. But not think about it because you are too bussy trying to win the game!!!!
  • The kack of good manners and behavior: Of the things that are well know in football is that the person who have good manners and behavior, once he enters the playing field is a totally different person from the aspect of the customs and manners. If he see some one who is not playing well and he notices it, he raises his voice and maybe even curse him though he is his Muslim brother!!!!! Allahul-Must'aan.
  • The revelation of awrah: when he wants to play football dress tight shorts that reveal the knee and part of his tight, and was narrated under the authority of Ibn Abbas (Radia Allahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam)  said: "The tight is awrah" reported by Al Bukhari in his Sahih.
  • The loss of time: It's a big waste of time, you are not in the remebrance of Allah, nor in their worship, or the pursuit of knowledge, or just do any action and is it in a state of neglect, likely to fall into sin, while either you know it. Since those , who say that is only exercise, then, they are advised to try something that does not involve disobedience to Allah , the Almighty, and have no doubt about it, and care what will benefict him in the afterlife and bring closer to Allah, for verily the Messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said: " Take care of what benefict you" reported by  Muslim in his sahih.
Allahu A'lam,  Abu Abdir-Rahman Yunus At-Tawil

Legislation about wearing clothing which contains image /name of a player kuffaar:
Shaykh al 'Saleh al Fawzaan was asked about the following:
Q- One who takes what unbelievers wear as keep in the back of the clothes the name of a football player from an unbeliever, but he does not intend to imitate them with this.............?
A- This is an unbeliever venerating, while he wears clothing bearing the name or image  of unbelievers is ocnsidered worship the kuffaar, so this is not permisible, at least is it inadmissible ,and if you intend to venerate them below, fear for apostasy, na'am......