Six points about knowledge

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

قال الإمام الشافعي

أخي لن تنال العلم إلا بستة ..... سأنبيك عن تفصيلها ببيان

ذكاء وحرص واجتهاد وبلغة ..... وصحبة أستاذ وطول زمان
"Oh my Brother, you will never gain knowledge without (possessing) six (qualities);
I will inform you of these in detail and with clarity:
Sharpness (of the mind) eagerness ( to learn) sacrifice ( in terms of time, etc)
 and means ( i.e. wealth),
and the company of a teacher and length of time!!"
SOURCE: Diwaan (collection of poetry) of Ash-Shaafi'ee (Rahimahu Allah)