Beautiful quote about Music

Friday, December 23, 2011

A man said to Ibn Abbaas (Radia Allahu anhu) , "What do you say concerning music? Is it permissible or is it forbiden?"
He responded: " I do not say it is forbidden except what is found in the Book of Allah. "
The man said:" So you say it is permissible then?"
Ibn Abbaas (Radia Allahu anhu) stated: " I do not say that" Then he (Ibn Abbas) said to him: " Do you see that truth and falsehood will come on the Day of Juzgement , so where will music be on that day?"
So the man said "It (music) will be falsehood on that day".
Upon this, Ibn Abbaas closed with , " Go then for I have given the ruling for you".

SOURCE: Ahaadeeth udh-Dhammil Ghinaai wal-Mua'azaf fil-Mizaan.