Don't be stingy with your Deen.

Friday, December 23, 2011

A person being stingy with his Deen to the point that being thrown into fire is more beloved to him that disbelief:

That is because of what has come on the Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) in that which Abu 'Abdillah al Haafidh has transmitted to us (saying) Abul- Abbaas Muhammas Ibn Ya'qoob narrated to us (saying) Ibraaheem Ibn Marzooq narrated to us (saying) Wahb Ibn Jareer and Bishr Ibn 'Umar both said Shu'bah narrated to us on Qataadah on Anas (Radia Allahu anhun) that he said, The Messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

"Three (traits) ,whoever has them (then) he has found the sweetness of Imaan (faith); he who Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him that anyone else , and he who loves someone, loving him only for Allah , and he who being thrown into fire is more beloved to him that returning to disbelief after Allah has saved him from it."
The two (Al Bukhari and Muslim) have transmitted in the Saheeh from the hadeeth of Shu'bah ibn  Al  Hajjaaj.
Abu 'Abdillah al Haafidh has transmitted to us (saying) Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Baalawaih has transmitted to us , and Abul Husain ibn Al Fadl Al-Qattaan transmitted to us  (saying) Abu Sahl Ibn Ziyaad has narrated to us, they both (meaning  Abu Bakr and Abu Sahl) said Ishaaq Ibn Al Hassan Ibn Salamah narrated to us (saying) Thaabit al Bunaanee transmitted to us on Annas Ibn Malik (Radia Allahu anhun) that the messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said:
" Three (traits), whoever has them (then) he has found by them the sweetness of Imaan; he who Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than anyone else, and the man who loves a man loving him only for Allah , and the man who being thrown into the fire is more beloved to him than returning to being a Jew or a Christian."
Muslim transmitted him in the Saheeh by way of another chain on Hammaad. 
Al Baihaqee (Rahimau Allah) has said:
So he (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) has demonstrated by this statement of being stingy with the Deen (not wanting to give any of it up) is from Imaan ,because he mentioned the sweetness like Imaan and what he intended is that the person who is stingy with his Deen, is like someone eating something sweet, for just as the one who craves something sweet , he does not find the sweet sensation and take pleasure in it except when eating it. likewise the ones who craves Imaan , his intent from it is not granted to him except when he is stingy with it , for verily he , when he is stingy with Imaan he won't do that which will nullify it , and Allah knows best.

Furthermore, being stingy with the Deen is divided in two types. The first is being stingy with its "Asl"(root,basis,foundation,etc..) so that it does not depart and the second is being stingy with its "Kamaal" (completeness, perfection,etc..) so that it won't become deficient.

Also from being stingy with the Deen is that the believer when he is amongst a people that he is not able to give the Deen its rights amongst them and he is afraid that they will turn him away from his Deen , and he if he leaves from he will find for himself a safe place to settle and he will be in a better state therein than when he was amongst these people, he does not reside amongst them and makes Hijrah (migration) to where he knows it is better for him and more suitable. Allah (Subhanna wa ta'ala) said:
"And whoever leaves his home as a migrant to Allaah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him his reward has become incumbent upon Allaah.” – An-Nisaa:100
SOURCE:  “Al-Jaami’ li Shu’ab Al-Imaan”, volume 3, pages 167-170: Of Al-Imaam Al-Baihaqee